(JUNEAU, Alaska) —The public can weigh in on long-range transportation plans with Alaska Moves 2050, the Long-Range Transportation and Freight Plan. Alaska Moves 2050 provides the long-term vision, policies, and decision-making framework that will guide the development of Alaska’s transportation system over the coming years, as well as maintain and improve the freight transportation system.
“We want to hear from all Alaskans on the future that the Long Range Transportation Plan describes. We want to hear their vision, their priorities for investment, and actions the State should take to achieve both. This is a huge opportunity to create a shared vision that will shape transportation in Alaska for years to come.” said James Marks, DOT&PF Director of Planning & Program Development.
The public is encouraged to view a self-guided virtual public meeting to learn more about the draft Alaska Moves 2050 plan, its goals and actions needed to create a strong and safe transportation system that works for all Alaskans and submit comments about the draft plans: https://arcg.is/15vmm2. This site will be available through October 31, 2022.
To learn more about the Alaska Moves 2050 project. visit www.alaskamoves2050.com. The public may contact the project team manager Eric Taylor at 907-465-8958 or eric.taylor@alaska.gov. Comments may also be mailed to:
Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
Attn: LRTP
PO Box 112500
3132 Channel Dr, Room 201
Juneau, Alaska 99811
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities oversees 237 airports, 9 ferries serving 33 communities along 3,500 marine miles, over 5,600 miles of highway and 839 public facilities throughout the state of Alaska. The mission of the department is to “Keep Alaska Moving through service and infrastructure.”
Original source can be found here.